
Showing posts from October, 2023

Methanol Market: Driving Forces and Growth Prospects in the Functional Cosmetics Sector

  Anticipated to undergo expansion, the  methanol market  is poised to rise from USD 30.9 billion in 2023 to USD 38.0 billion by 2030, propelled by a 4.2% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2023 and 2030. The surging demand for methanol within the automotive sector across various nations serves as a catalyst for the market's growth. Influential factors encompass governmental fuel standards, emission regulations, and the accessibility of methanol refueling infrastructure, all substantially influencing the demand for methanol in automotive applications. Download Free Sample Report-             Methanol's demand is surging within the automotive and construction domains. Its efficacy as a fuel for vehicles and aircraft parallels that of other fuels. China spearheaded the incorporation of methanol and its blends in the automotive sector. Methanol finds utility in producing MTBE, a gasoline derivative, and biodiesel. Additional